One of the things that sets ridesharing service Uber apart from traditional taxi services is that its drivers often offer refreshments such as water, chips and chewing gum to their patrons. Providing these simple creature comforts helps inspire customer loyalty and give people another compelling reason to take an Uber rather than a bus or taxi. It’s a popular trend that many Uber drivers have had success with.
Now, a tech startup from New York is making it even easier for Uber drivers to serve refreshments by creating miniature vending machines for their cars. It’s called Cargo, it’s managed to generate about $1.75 million in seed funding.
Drivers can sign up for the service for free, and choose from a variety of snacks and handy travel items such as Advil and charging cables. After selecting their preferred menu items, Cargo will send them a custom display case that can be fastened to the center console in their car. Each display case has its own unique URL that passengers can visit to purchase items from the little vending machines.
Drivers receive 50 cents for each item they sell, while the rest of the profits go to Cargo. The company is also negotiating with brands to offer passengers free samples for some products as well. It’s a mutually-beneficial relationship that could make it easier for Uber drivers to provide top-notch service to their customers. The service is currently only available in New York City, Chicago and Boston, but Cargo has reportedly received interest from drivers all across the Nation.