For quite some time, no one gave any thought to what they bought out of a vending machine. If they were hungry, they bought the first thing that looked appetizing and moved on with their day. Nowadays, people are being more conscientious about what they’re eating, leading to a generational shift in what’s wanted in vending machines.

According to a recent study by the Nielson Global Health and Wellness Survey, younger consumers are shifting towards more health-conscious eating. In the survey, 30,000 consumers from around the globe were polled and express concerns about food ingredients, genetically modified foods and showed a preference towards organic foods.
What does it all mean?
It means that the same old vending machine items aren’t what the consumer wants anymore. Many are choosing healthier items instead – and the study showed they want even more options, as well.
The shift doesn’t just stop with millennials generation, however. The latest generation, now being referred to as Generation Z, also shares this sentiment, and data shows that they are willing to even spend more on healthier options if they are available.
Orsino Vending offers healthier vending machine options. We have fresh food machines that include items that are guaranteed fresh and always taken care of to make sure you are getting the freshest and best food.
We also offer numerous healthy options in our vending machines as well. This includes food from Smartfood, baked versions of potato chips and fat-free and low-fat versions of your favorite snacks. So whether your office is filled with younger workers or employees who are looking to make healthier decisions in terms of what they eat on a daily basis, Orsino Vending can give you what they’re looking for.
If you would like more information on our healthier options or would like to learn more about having our vending machines added at your building, call us today at 201-871-9286!