If you have a vending machine in a public area such as a park or outdoor recreation center, you may be concerned about vandals defacing the machine or trying to steal its contents. Unfortunately, this type of vandalism does happen from time to time, especially when vending machines are situated in easily-accessible public areas. The good news is, there are steps you can take to make your vending machine less appealing to would-be vandals.
Keep the Machine in a High Traffic Area
Vandals will be less likely to mess with your vending machine if it’s in a conspicuous area that gets a lot of foot traffic. Vending machines in dark, isolated areas tend to be the most vulnerable to vandalism. Keeping your vending machine in a high-traffic area can not only increase the amount of business you get from it, but also reduce the likelihood of theft and vandalism.
Install Security Cameras
A security camera can serve as a powerful deterrent to thieves and vandals. These days, you can find affordable wireless security cameras that are easy to install and maintain. Install the camera above your machine so that it’s clearly visible, but out of reach. In the event that an especially bold vandal decides to ignore the camera, you’ll also be able to provide the police with video evidence of the crime.
Use Warning Signs
Speaking of deterrents, a simple warning sign is enough to convince many vandals to look elsewhere for their free snack. A sign that says “all cash and coins removed daily,” could make the vending machine less appealing to thieves, for example. Alarm system warning signs tend to be particularly effective as well. Even if your vending machine doesn’t have an alarm system, most vandals won’t want to run the risk of finding out for sure.