Believe it or not, snacking is a delicious and healthy option to keep your body fueled throughout the day. However, providing your body with the wrong food can have the opposite effect, resulting in you feeling more tired and sluggish.
To help you fuel your body the right way, here are some examples of a few healthy snack swaps that will help you take in more fiber, protein, and nutritional value than your typical snack food options.

Swap Soda for Water
Although a little extra sugar and caffeine may help you stay awake during your last hour of work, it’s not going to keep you feeling energized for the rest of the day. Getting enough water is essential for preventing symptoms of fatigue, headaches, and dehydration. Drinking enough water throughout the day will likely keep you more awake and energized than a soda.
Swap Cookies for Protein Bars
If you’re in the mood for a sweet treat, indulging in a cookie might sound very tempting. Although it’s ok to treat yourself once in a while, if you’re looking for food that will keep you full and focused throughout your busy day, try swapping your cookie for a protein bar. A protein bar is a good snack for those who are always on their feet. Plus, it’s a great snacking option to hold you over until your next meal!
Swap Potato Chips for Popcorn
Popcorn is a great snack option! It’s often filled with whole grains, fiber, and essential nutrients. Although chips are a tasty treat once in a while, they don’t serve our bodies with any benefits. If you’re craving something salty, grab a bag of light popcorn instead!
Help Your Staff Live a Healthier Lifestyle
The new year is the perfect time to adjust your diet. Leading a healthy lifestyle takes time. However, making the switch to more nutritious snacking options is a great place to start.
If you’re looking to add a healthy vending machine to your office, make sure you’re contacting Orsino Vending. Check out our Healthy Vending Snacks list and give us a call today at (201) 871-9286 with any questions!